An engineering process is a series of steps that are
followed by a team of engineers to come up with a solution to a problem. The
steps that are included in the process are problem-solving, testing,
prototyping, and evaluations. The process involved in the whole procedure may
repeat some of the steps before moving on to the next step. This depends on the
projects you are indulged in, but it surely teaches you new lessons from the failures
and improvements to be made.
The process allows applied sciences, mathematics, and
engineering sciences to be used for accomplishing the aim and the objectives of
the project.
The steps of the engineering process are not always followed
in a sequence but it all depends on the engineering carrying out the process.
The first step of every process is to analyze the problem and carry out the
process accordingly.
Process of engineering design:
1. Define The Problem
What`s the problem that needs to be answered? Who`s the
design product for, and why is it important to find a result? What are the
limitations and conditions? Masterminds need to ask these types of critical
questions anyhow of what`s being created.
2. Communicate
Possible Results
Good Contrivers communicate possible results before
concluding to start a design, erecting a list of as numerous results as
possible. It`s stylish to avoid judging the designs and rather just let the
ideas inflow.
3. Research Concepts/
Explore Possibilities for your Engineering Design Project
Use the experience of others to explore possibilities. By
probing one system you can avoid the problems faced by others. You should speak
to people from colorful backgrounds, including druggies or guests. You may find
some results that you hadn`t considered.
4. Establish Criteria
and Constraints
Having listed implicit results and determined the
requirements of the design alongside your exploration, the coming step is to
establish any factors that may constrain your work. This can be done by
reconsidering the conditions and bringing together your findings and ideas from
the former way.
5. Consider
Indispensable Results
You may wish to consider further results to compare the
implicit issues and find a stylish approach. This will involve repeating some
of the earlier ways for each feasible idea.
6. Select An Approach
Once you have assessed your colorful options you can
determine which approach stylish meets your conditions. Reject those that don’t
meet your conditions.
7. Develop A Design
Having chosen your approach, the coming step is to upgrade
and ameliorate the result to produce a design offer. This stage can be ongoing
through the length of your design and indeed after a product has been delivered
to guests.
8. Make A Model Or Prototype
Use your design offer to make a prototype that will allow
you to test how the final product will perform. Prototypes are frequently made
from different accouterments than the final interpretation and are generally
finished to a lower standard.
9. Test And Estimate
Each prototype will need testing, re-evaluation, and
enhancement. Testing and evaluation allow you to see where any advancements are